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Come join our choir + other news

Happy to share that come September I will be running a community choir in Jönköping, Sweden. I'm really excited about meeting the singers and getting into the nitty gritty details of a variety of choral pieces. Growing up in Sweden, choral singing was an given part of mine and many others' lives, and it's a tradition I really cherish, and making music with just our voices is such an empowering and deep experience. We will meet weekly in central Jönköping and if you are interested in joining, just drop me an email. In conjunction with the choir I will also be running a vocal technique workshop aimed at choral singers, starting later in the fall. Looking forward to working in a smaller group setting on singing technique, one of my favourite topics! Because once we feel more secure in our vocal technique, the music can flow more freely. And who wouldn't want that?

In just little over a week, I will also be in Certaldo, Italy, teaching and performing at the Global Music Foundation Tuscany Jazz Workshop. This little village like town with its medieval fortress, fantastic people and overall good vibes has a special place in my heart. I'm really looking forward to meeting all the students on the course, getting to know their voices and also learning from them. Below is a photo from last year's course, with singer extraordinaire Sara Dowling leading the vocal combo session in the final performance.

After Italy I head straight to Denmark for a seminar at Complete Vocal Technique where I am studying on the three year Singing Teacher Diploma course. Entering year two of the course, I am looking forward to catching up with my coursemates after the summer, and nerding out on everything vocal technique. Did you know that birds have something called a syrinx rather than vocal cords, for instance?


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